Releasing childhood conditions & reprogramming your subconscious to break free from your blocks & traumas

Identify your blocks to heal your childhood trauma and experience true joy & your ultimate power by learning
who you really are.
If you keep repeating cycles or coming up against obstacles, or you feel unfulfilled and like nothing is ever enough… my ultimate guide to release your past trauma and skyrocket your self-value instantly is for you.
Learn to identify and release
your unique blocks and triggers
to stop repeating unwanted cycles in 7 days
Do you really make your own decisions?
Have you ever stopped to really think about whether you’re living life on your terms and through your own choices, or have you ended up being where you are today by doing what’s ‘expected’ of you by your parents, family and society?
Millions of us live our lives blindly, without actively creating and driving where we’re going consciously. This 7 day course allows you to consciously transform your life today.
Do you...
Fear you’re repeating thoughts and behaviour patterns from your parents & grandparents?
Feel undervalued, unaccepted, unappreciated or unloved?
Subconsciously inflict your childhood trauma on your children?
Feel like you’re constantly trying to achieve something but keep feeling stuck?
Feel pressure to fulfil the expectations of others even when it doesn’t feel good to you?
Feel you’ve inherited a culture and way of living that doesn’t align with your Soul?

Yearn to heal relationships and release resentment built up over the years?
Discover the ultimate guide to releasing your childhood conditions - all in one place.
I help male and female professionals and parents to understand, acknowledge and resolve the blocks created through childhood conditioning, by identifying your triggers and patterns and taking you through the techniques to release and reprogram the relationship you have with your Self.
All it takes is seven days to start creating the life you deserve to live and avoid inflicting your conditions on your children, by uncovering and releasing your childhood conditions consciously..

This course covers over 17 years of learning & development by combining learnings from Yoga, Reiki, Law of Attraction, Meditation, Affirmations & Manifestation, plus hundreds of articles and books on self-development, self-growth, study of psychology, human behaviour and spirituality, so you can make the most of your time!

Taking your power back
If you’re a private person when it comes to your thoughts and emotions and you know your Self better than anyone else, this course guides you back to your true power. It’s your unique journey and your time is valuable, so you can complete this course from the comfort of your home in your own time with quick, short lessons and practical exercises.
I’m not here to tell you about your Self. I’m here to guide you back to your hidden power – your True Self. You’ll have to face your Truths, so that you can live a different life if that’s what you choose… one that you create consciously.
Without spending years in therapy, trialling multiple healing methods, or avoiding them all because of your fears, without spending thousands of pounds or dollars – if you can commit to seven days (a couple of hours a day), and you’re self-motivated – this is the course for you.
If you’re a busy, career-driven professional or a parent and you’d rather not join weekly calls or a Facebook group, can do it your Self and would appreciate some guidance, then read on.
This course is for you if...
You keep hitting road blocks in your career or relationships
You’re pressed for time because of work, you're a parent, or both
You're a private person
You want to ensure that your children have the chance to live their lives without inheriting your fears and limiting beliefs
You find it hard to express your emotions and thoughts and communicate your feelings
You’re an over or underachiever
You’re an over-giver and struggle to put your Self first
You’ve always done what family and society has expected of you and still feel unfulfilled
You want to understand and identify your blocks
You fear change and the opinions of others stop you from being true to your Self
You’ve bought into the stereotype and archetypes of male and female ‘roles’ that society and your family have imprinted on you but they don’t necessarily feel true to you
You don’t know who you are outside of the role you’ve been expected to fulfil
You have a constant nagging feeling inside that there has to be something more to life than the rat-race routine of work, home, children, bills… repeat
You want everyone that is important to you to be happy
You know you need to find out what’s blocking you and don’t know where to start
You want to bring joy and enthusiasm into your life
You’re ready to make changes in your life so you can show up as the best version of you

This course is not for you if:
You’re not self-motivated
You cannot commit to approximately 1-2 hrs a day for 7 days, or a weekend to yourself
You expect it to be done for you (no effort required on your part to make a change)
You’re not ready to see or meet your true Self
You’re happy living the life you currently live
You don’t think your childhood has anything to do with your life today
You don't believe your children are impacted by your conditions, fears and limiting beliefs

"A reader lives a thousand lives"
George R. R. Martin
Here's what you'll get:
6 x modules (each module consists of 5-8 video lessons and you can speed up the video if you’re super time poor although they're not long and it's time well spent on your Self right!)
13 x exercises across the modules (you can download and print the pdfs to complete the exercises or complete directly in the documents)
5 x meditations to guide your reprogramming
21 x affirmations
Bonus area with extra resources (completely free)
78 x A-Z of positive words (valued at £97)
Lifetime Unblock your Self Masterclass access (value at £197)
Maslow's hierarchy of needs (value at £37)
Top 11 tips for setting healthy boundaries (value at £147)
Personality test recommendation (free test)
Lifetime access (I recommend coming back and re-doing this course every three months after you first complete it)
90-day money back guarantee
SSL (online payment security)
You'll learn to:
Program your Self to live in the present to find joy and happiness every day
Understand who you really are to set healthy boundaries with family and friends by communicating your needs
Develop a relationship with your true authentic Self so that you can make conscious decisions that feel good and aligned with who you are (now that you’re discovering your Self)
Empower your Self to release past conditions by learning to trust your Self when making major life decisions in relationships, career and finances saving time, money and pain
Understand how your childhood programs and belief structures have impacted you so that you can start to make different choices
Acknowledge how you may have been physically, psychologically or emotionally neglected in childhood to reprogram your fears and change your behaviour patterns
Identify your needs, emotions and triggers to start giving to your Self instead of expecting from others
Create and develop a relationship with your Self to remove resistance and unwanted repeated cycles and patterns by re-parenting your inner child with Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, Patience and Understanding
Release your fears and blocks to start living consciously and actively create the life you deserve to live now
Hey! I'm Divya.
I'm so pleased that you've been drawn to this page and I truly believe that if you've found me, you're meant to be here. I spent a lot of my childhood feeling alone, not good enough, like I always had to do better, be better. I never felt loved, worthy or accepted, so I kept trying to achieve more and more, because if I did well at school, at social events and functions, in front of elders, then surely I'd be loved. I was a people-pleaser, an overarchiever, I became hyper independent and super self-reliant as an adult.
I struggled to process and regulate my emotions, let alone express them and this pattern would run in my career and all of my relationships for most of my life. I rejected who I was, for who I was expected to be by my family, my culture and society. I never learned to give to my Self, so whilst I would give endlessly to others, it was always imbalanced and would eventually lead to a build up of resentment and reinforced the conditioned love I felt as a child. Ultimately, I was resentful for not setting healthy boundaries for my Self, because I didn't love my Self enough to value and see my own worth, because I could only accept my Self if... instead of exactly as I am.
It's taken me years to acknowledge and identify my triggers to see how they relate to my repeated patterns and blocks in my career and my relationships. I've been healing and it's a continuous journey depending on how deep in your subconscious your childhood trauma runs. I learned how my abandonment wound has impacted most areas of my life and had led me to seeking validation from others. I've had to learn to set boundaries for my best Self and for an overgiver, this is a challenging and powerful change to implement.
I was guided to create this course, to incorporate all my learnings, research and healing modalities with practical exercises that will allow you to release and consciously rewrite the conditions and programs that have been ingrained in your mind and behaviours from childhood. The course is concise, impactful and makes best use of your time by guiding you to raise your awareness in a structured way, enabling you to find your own power.
I'm a really practical and logical being through my experiences and professionally, so this course is a balance of spirituality being grounded in the real world. I truly believe that the answers always lie within and we often need guidance back to our true Self. I have trust and faith that this course brings all of the tools and guidance you need to support your journey to your conscious Self, so you can make choices to create the life you deserve by freeing your Self from your childhood neglect, generational expectations and societal conditions.
I'm so grateful and honoured for your presence and commitment to free your Self, your children and generations before you. I thank you for your time, always.
With Love,
Q: Will I have lifetime access to the course?
A: Yes - once you purchase the course, you'll have lifetime access and I recommend doing the course every three months after the first time. You'll really see your development and the work you've done to grow every time you do it.
Q: How long to I need to dedicate to complete the course?
A: The course is designed around professionals and parents who are time poor. I recommend about two hours a day for seven days or block out a weekend for your Self. The video lessons and the worksheets are designed specifically for you to get the most out of them in a short amount of time. Of course you can spread it out and may feel like you want to spend time between lessons or modules to reflect and actively practise the techniques.
Is there a payment plan?
A: Currently there is not a payment plan.
Q: What's your refund policy?
A: The course is supported by my 90-day money back guarantee. If you do not learn or benefit from this course (on the basis that you've attempted it), we can schedule a call to discuss and if you're still dissatisfied, I'll refund you what you paid.
Q: What happens after I purchase the course?
A: If you click / tap on any of the buttons to purchase on this page, you'll be taken to the checkout where you enter your payment and billing details. There will be 'One last step' after you enter your details, where you'll be asked to create a password to access The 7 Day Release and Reprogram Course.
You'll then be taken directly to the Course Curriculum page on the Teachable platform with access to the modules to start. Here you'll see an message indicating that you need to confirm your email address to activate your account, with an option to 'Resend email' if you haven't received one already.
You can also edit your profile, add a picture, change your preferences and logout of your account in the top right profile area.